Future Guns ᵀᴹ IPA App Version 1.4

Future Guns ᵀᴹ IPA App Version 1.4
Future Guns ᵀᴹ IPA App Version 1.4
You can visit the armory and select from leading edge weapons, guns still on the drawing board, or future guns that have not yet been invented. Take your gun anywhere with you. You can visit the weapon library and find out all of the details about the weapon. You can then visit the 3rd person free-style range and learn the basics of the gun by loading, operating all of the mechanisms, sliders, manually eject shells, and of corse firing the weapon in single, burst and filly automatic mode. Now take your gun to any one of four shooting ranges, may we recommend starting with the outdoor military range, it has unlimited ammo on the first level with fixed and moving targets, so you can practice before the real fun starts. We also have a theatrical stage shooting range with ducks, cans, aerosol cans, etc where you play against a 60 sec countdown timer, trying to conserve ammo and shoot fast.

-HD Guns : All guns are greater than DH resolution! For devices limited to 480x320, you can still enjoy the enhanced resolution with Pan and Zoom.
-FULL ZOOM AND PAN on all Guns! You can zoom in, move shoot, all at once on all guns, with HD Resolution. Don't settle for auto-zoom, where they zoom for you as the gun loads, then you are stuck with that perspective, with this app you can zoom and move the gun anywhere on the screen while firing, loading, ejecting shells manually, etc!
-Four Shooting Ranges!
1. 3rd Person, where you can handle the weapon, eject shells manually, cock, un-cock, fire, remove clip, reload, etc)
2. 1st Person : Outdoor Range with moving targets, game style where you have to hit 10 targets to get to the next level, targets get faster and smaller, and you have to do all of this without running out of ammo! Shoot tigers, bears, turkeys, gun-men with hostages, lone gun-men, standard bust targets, golfers, hockey players, etc!
3. 1st Person : Indoor Stage Range : Have great fun playing against the clock (60 sec / level) trying to accumulate enough target hits to progress to the next level before you run out of time or ammo. Shoot ducks, cans, aerosol cans, or anything else that moves.
4. 1st Person Outdoor Military Range : This range has fixed and mobile targets. Its a great place to hone your skills because the first Level has unlimited bullets. Targets include armed men, hostage situations, dinosaurs, people who use the force, and horror movie stars.
-Full Weapon Library : Vast detail is provided on every weapon including a description, manufacturer, ammo size, weight, length,

What's new in Version 1.4
Only iOS 4.x users should Upgrade:
-Upgraded to iOS 4.x
-Retina Icon
-Audio and Visual Enhancements

IPA size 17.3 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.2 or later

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