Lyrics World - Power Edition IPA App Version 1.0
Lyrics World - Power Edition IPA App Version 1.0
You can watch any music videos related to your results on Youtube. Once you play the movie clip, your song on your iPod or iPhone will stop. Once the movie clip is over, the screen will come back to Lyrics World. Enjoy Youtube clips while you search for lyrics!
All lyrics are provided by 3rd party sources and copyrighted by their rightful owners. We do not host or supply any lyrics and can not be held responsible in any way for content, copyright, service related issues. You are buying the lyrics searching application and not the lyrics. Lyrics World doesn't provide any lyrics in it. You are responsible for using the search result.
Version: 1.0
IPA size 2.0 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
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You can watch any music videos related to your results on Youtube. Once you play the movie clip, your song on your iPod or iPhone will stop. Once the movie clip is over, the screen will come back to Lyrics World. Enjoy Youtube clips while you search for lyrics!
All lyrics are provided by 3rd party sources and copyrighted by their rightful owners. We do not host or supply any lyrics and can not be held responsible in any way for content, copyright, service related issues. You are buying the lyrics searching application and not the lyrics. Lyrics World doesn't provide any lyrics in it. You are responsible for using the search result.
Version: 1.0
IPA size 2.0 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
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