Business Inspiration Classics IPA 1.0

Business Inspiration Classics IPA 1.0
Business Inspiration Classics IPA 1.0
Start the new year with the best advice and inspiration for your business success and future prosperity!

Same app works on iPhone, iPhone Touch and iPad with no internet connection needed. Retina display ready.

Each of these books normally costs 10s of $$. For the full collection you would pay at least $600 in any bookstore. Now, for the tiniest fraction of the price, you can purchase them all and benefit from FUTURE FREE UPGRADES!

✽ When have you last read a book that changed your life? What about 27 of them?✽

Here are some of the masterpieces included (get the app for the full list):

✭ [SPECIAL!] "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins - the "bible of advertising" from one of the founders of the modern advertising and inventor of breakthrough advertising techniques, considered by David Ogilvy to be the book that changed the course of his life and a must read by all marketing & advertising people.

✭ The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie - the art of how to express yourself to convince and influence others

✭ Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - the biggest seller of Hill's books, probably the most successful motivational book in history

✭ My Life and Work by Henry Ford - the autobiography of the richest man of his times, the inventor who changed the world and revolutionized the industry

✭ "Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie- the autobiography of America's first self made billionaire

✭ Art of War" by Sun-Tzu - the ancient world famous treaty on leadership, strategy and tactics - must read for all business people

✭ The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel - Famous self improvement course from 1912, rumored to have inspired Bill Gates to leave Harvard and start Microsoft. It used to cost thousands of $$!

✭ Business Hints for Men and Women by Alfred Rochefort Calhoun

✭ How To Succeed" by Orison Swett Marden

✭ Certain Success by Norval A. Hawkins - practical book on personal branding, salesmanship and success from the greatest marketing and sales guru of the 1920's

✭ A Message To Garcia by Elbert Hubbard - one of the most inspiring short essays of all times

✭ Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell - the most successful motivational speech of its times
.. and more!

Don't wait and get Business Inspiration Classics NOW! [From the creator of the best selling Self Help Classics iPhone book app]

Business Inspiration Classics gets you 10 amazing NEW classic masterpieces on business and success in addition to the best works from our best selling Self Help Classics collection!

Full HTML content with images from original works, elegant and readable typography, bookmark management, autobookmark, font size change, elegant navigation to next/previous chapters. Page turning by swipe, full text search!
Carefully designed for reading on small screen devices: uses both page flick and iPhone-specific scrolling or the widely acclaimed autoscroll feature.

Version: 1.0
IPA size 8.8 MB
LANGUAGES: English, Japanese
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

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