NCMHCE Flip IPA App Version 1.3

NCMHCE Flip IPA App Version 1.3
NCMHCE Flip IPA App Version 1.3

Description has developed a set of flashcards for use on your iPhone or iTouch. Have a couple of minutes to spare? Why not spend your time wisely by increasing your knowledge base for the NCMHCE (LCPC) Counseling exam? Our NCMHCE Flip flashcard application allows you to review information that is critical for a passing score wherever, whenever, with just the touch of a button. Quiz yourself in a fast, fun way by choosing the number of flashcards you want to review. Once you finish with a set of flashcards, you’ll get immediate statistics on how you did and have the option to review the cards you missed. NCMHCE Flip includes 900 flashcards covering topics on the NCMHCE simulation counseling exam. Remember, the key to the NCMHCE counseling exam is knowing content, and the key to knowing content is repetition. Keep our counseling flashcards handy to be better prepared for the NCMHCE counseling exam!

IPA Size 0.7 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch (2nd generation), iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad. Requires iOS 2.0 or later
Download Cracker : TAP-T0-HACK[ICPDA]  | Source


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