Yu Gi Oh Deck Builder IPA 1.1
Yu Gi Oh Deck Builder IPA 1.1
If you need something to keep track of your decks, this is the app for you!
*Store and name multiple decks.
*Add as many cards as you want with easy auto-suggest.
*Test your deck by drawing five cards out of the deck.
*After that you can draw a single card until the deck is empty.
*Offline viewing of your deck! (once cached)
This is a vital resource for Yu Gi Oh players. You'll have a decent idea of how well you built your deck!
*Card text.
*You can even purchase a card right from the app from TCGPlayers.com
*And more!!
***Best thing is, when you've viewed a card, you can view that card offline. Card art and all the info!!!
*Download your whole deck at once so you never have to worry about a slow connection.
If you like Magic: the Gathering, check out the full MtG companion, The Sylvan Archives!
Yu Gi Oh is a property of Konami Digital Entertainment. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
What's new in Version 1.1
Emergency bug fix
IPA size 0.9 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 2.2.1 or later
Download here:
If you need something to keep track of your decks, this is the app for you!
*Store and name multiple decks.
*Add as many cards as you want with easy auto-suggest.
*Test your deck by drawing five cards out of the deck.
*After that you can draw a single card until the deck is empty.
*Offline viewing of your deck! (once cached)
This is a vital resource for Yu Gi Oh players. You'll have a decent idea of how well you built your deck!
*Card text.
*You can even purchase a card right from the app from TCGPlayers.com
*And more!!
***Best thing is, when you've viewed a card, you can view that card offline. Card art and all the info!!!
*Download your whole deck at once so you never have to worry about a slow connection.
If you like Magic: the Gathering, check out the full MtG companion, The Sylvan Archives!
Yu Gi Oh is a property of Konami Digital Entertainment. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
What's new in Version 1.1
Emergency bug fix
IPA size 0.9 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 2.2.1 or later
Download here: