Yu Gi Oh Deck Builder IPA 1.1

Yu Gi Oh Deck Builder IPA 1.1
Yu Gi Oh Deck Builder IPA 1.1

If you need something to keep track of your decks, this is the app for you!

*Store and name multiple decks.
*Add as many cards as you want with easy auto-suggest.
*Test your deck by drawing five cards out of the deck.
*After that you can draw a single card until the deck is empty.
*Offline viewing of your deck! (once cached)

This is a vital resource for Yu Gi Oh players. You'll have a decent idea of how well you built your deck!

*Card text.
*You can even purchase a card right from the app from TCGPlayers.com
*And more!!

***Best thing is, when you've viewed a card, you can view that card offline. Card art and all the info!!!

*Download your whole deck at once so you never have to worry about a slow connection.

If you like Magic: the Gathering, check out the full MtG companion, The Sylvan Archives!

Yu Gi Oh is a property of Konami Digital Entertainment. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
What's new in Version 1.1
Emergency bug fix

IPA size 0.9 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 2.2.1 or later

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