DoseOrganizer IPA 1.1.3

DoseOrganizer IPA 1.1.3

DoseOrganizer IPA 1.1.3
DoseOrganizer is the most flexible and easy-to-use app for the iPhone, and iPod Touch to help users organize their medications to be able to take them on time.

- Today's Doses: DoseOrganizer shows notifications about doses that are supposed to be daily taken with a simple interface that ease on the user to take their medications.

- Flexible Scheduling: DoseOrganizer helps users to subscribe drugs and specify the schedule of their doses based on time intervals or scheduled times.
-- by using time intervals user can only set the start date and the time interval between doses.
-- by using scheduled times user can set specific times to take his medication.

- Snoozable Reminders: user can snooze a reminder before it goes off.

- Auto Skipping Old Doses: Doses are marked as missed when passing its due time with more than 1 hour.

- Capturing Drug Image: DoseOrganizer enables user to capture photos of the subscribed drug or select an image from photo gallery, which prevent drugs from being mixed with each others.

- Customizable Dose Amounts and Instructions: user can set the drug name, dosage information, and instructions given by the doctor, these instructions will appear in the reminders that show up for each dose.

- Multiple Drug types: DoseOrganizer supports tablets, capsules, syrups, injections, inhalers, drops, ointments, creams, and patches. The type of the drug is specified when subscribing it, or can be edited afterward.

- Private and Secure: No personally identifiable information is collected when using DoseOrganizer.

- Local Notifications: DoseOrganizer sends dose reminders without an internet connection. (Note: local notifications are only available on the following devices running iOS 4.0 or later: iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3rd generation or later, and iPhone 4.)

What's new in Version 1.1.3
- Fix same minor bugs

IPA size 9.8 MB
LANGUAGES: English, Arabic
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

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