iSwap Faces IPA 3.5.1
iSwap Faces IPA 3.5.1
Ever wanted to swap two faces in a photo? Now you can! It used to take a Photoshop master to transplant one face onto another, but iSwap Faces™ makes it so easy to switch faces that anyone can do it in under a minute. Morph one person into another for everyone's entertainment!
Take a picture with your iPhone or load a photo from your library, place the masks over two faces, and iSwap Faces™ does the rest! Swap faces in your friend's Facebook and MySpace photos! Tweet the results on Twitter or Twitpic!
iSwap Faces! Do you?
• Upload photos directly to Facebook and Twitter!
• Swap faces between two separate photos!
• The iPhone saves images at 1440x960, 9 times the resolution of the iPhone screen!
• iPad support! iPad saves images at 7.0 mega pixels! That's a resolution of 3072x2304, 9 times the iPad's screen resolution!
© Black Frog Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
What's new in Version 3.5.1
Update Facebook security authentication to their latest changes.
IPA size 2.6 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Download here:
Ever wanted to swap two faces in a photo? Now you can! It used to take a Photoshop master to transplant one face onto another, but iSwap Faces™ makes it so easy to switch faces that anyone can do it in under a minute. Morph one person into another for everyone's entertainment!
Take a picture with your iPhone or load a photo from your library, place the masks over two faces, and iSwap Faces™ does the rest! Swap faces in your friend's Facebook and MySpace photos! Tweet the results on Twitter or Twitpic!
iSwap Faces! Do you?
• Upload photos directly to Facebook and Twitter!
• Swap faces between two separate photos!
• The iPhone saves images at 1440x960, 9 times the resolution of the iPhone screen!
• iPad support! iPad saves images at 7.0 mega pixels! That's a resolution of 3072x2304, 9 times the iPad's screen resolution!
© Black Frog Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
What's new in Version 3.5.1
Update Facebook security authentication to their latest changes.
IPA size 2.6 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Download here: